Monday, April 11, 2016

Are You Carrying Around "Killing Fat"?

Blueberries support weight-loss and detox

Weight-Loss Jumpstart

It is very common to gain weight as we age due to age-related hormone  and bacterial imbalances. Metabolic dysfunctions, stress, food hypersensitivities, and impaired liver detoxification can promote fat accumulation as well. Emotional eating is another major factor.
More than 61% of Americans are overweight, but being overweight is not conducive to healthy aging. Excessive weight takes nine years off the life of the average person, and makes our heart work 2-3 times harder than it should. It also causes an inflammatory state throughout our body, and increases our risk for many diseases.

A major predictor of cardiovascular disease, even more than being overweight, is the amount of fat we carry in our mid-section, and our waist-size. When our waist size is over 35” for a women, and over 40” for a man, a health condition known as insulin resistance is likely present. Belly fat or visceral fat, dubbed the “killing fat,” is dangerous not only because of its association with insulin resistance, but because the fat in our midsection releases damaging pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines are involved in many age-related degenerative conditions. Just losing a few inches off of your waist can help you to maintain healthy insulin levels and improve cardiovascular health. It can also improve many health biomarkers such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride values. Losing belly fat can also lower your risk for Alzheimer's disease, cancer and hormone imbalances.

However weight-loss is not just about calories in and calories out. In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has admitted that “100 or so years of mainstream advise on dieting, obesity, and weight-gain has been completely wrong!” It acknowledged that weight management is not about the amount of calories that we take in, but about the kind of calories we eat; the blood sugar-impact of our food; and how our body’s insulin responds to what we eat. In short, if we eat (high-glycemic) foods that cause a flood of blood sugar and insulin, we gain weight. When we eat (low-glycemic) foods that don’t spike our blood sugar and insulin we lose weight. The goal of any diet or healthy food plan therefore is to halt insulin production as much as possible.

My  6 week weight-loss program focuses on doing just this, and incorporates the latest advances in modern health care.

What Results Will You Get From This Program:

  • Decrease pro-inflammatory producing belly fat; reduce your waist size, BMI and overall size
  • Relief from digestive complaints/revitalize your digestion to allow your body to absorb the nutrients it needs to lose weight             
  • Reduce obesity-causing bacteria/Boost health-promoting bacteria
  • Boost detox by eliminating toxic foods/sugar, and enhancing detox pathways
  • Release you from food addictions and sugar cravings
  • Lessen emotional eating/learning to eat only when you are truly hungry
  • Balance blood-sugar/improve cell sensitivity to insulin
  • Reset taste buds
  • Reduce inflammation due to common food sensitivities, processed foods, and sugar; increase anti-inflammatory foods. Less inflammation means reduced disease risk factors.
  • Reduce  aches and pains
  • Enhance carb metabolism
  • Increase energy
  • Improve blood work and blood pressure
  • Mood improvement
  • Target and balance your specific metabolic imbalances (Thyroid, estrogen, leptin, adrenal)

What Else You Will Get From this Program
  • 2- one-half hour personalized phone consults
  • Unlimited Email support
  • 6 Week Weight-loss Food Plan and metabolism/probiotic-boosting food tips
  • 6 Weeks of Recipes
  • Functional Assessments/Questionnaires to help target any weight-loss blocking conditions, and/or metabolic imbalances that you may have, and to give you a personlized pharmaceutical-grade supplement/food protocol to balance them- so as to fire-up your metabolism.
  • Individualized recommendations
  • A supplement protocol to decrease sugar/carb cravings
  • Candida/Dysbiosis Questionnaire
  • Baking Soda Stomach Acid Home Test handout.
  • Weight-loss Goals/Journaling guide, and weekly journal questions to write about.
  • Calculating your BMI/BMR/Waist-to-Hip Ratio handout
  • Lifestyle Looking Glass questionnaire
  • Cultivating Healthy Eating Habits handout
  • What to Eat/What Not to Eat Chart
  • Behavioral Change Contract for Weight Management handout
  • Track Your Progress Chart
  • Daily Nutrition, Activity, and Exercise Journal form
  • Inflammation handout
  • Simple tips to help you get a healthy meal on the table
  • Carb Food Swap chart
  • Digestive Health handout
  • Glycemic Load chart
  • Optimizing Your Mind-Set handout
  • Much more!

When we balance nourishing eating with consistent exercise, stress reduction, and good sleep- our body will maintain a healthy metabolism, and fat burning hormones will be activated. We then will reap the rewards of a healthy and slim body. Remember, weight-Loss is not about calories in and calories out. Let Linda help you address these other issues, and aid you in reaching your healthy body composition and wellness goals.

Make a strong commitment to your health in 2016!

Sugar & carb Busting-Tummy Trimming
6 wk. Weight-Loss Jumpstart

On-Line/Phone consult program

Lose Inches and Get Healthy!

Tired of having that extra weight around your belly? Tired of your sugar and carb cravings? Don’t let emotional eating and carb cravings rule you anymore. Take control of your health, and get results with a supportive nutrition expert and author who gives you an easy, proven weight-loss action plan. No weighing-in necessary!

Linda Posnansky- Author/Nutrition Consultant   register at 510-323-6069                               Cost: $299.00



Tools and supplements to cut your cravings &

 diminish emotional eating.

Unlimited Email Support!


Easy Low-Glycemic Load, Resistant Starch, Detox Plan. No calorie counting!


JAMA states “Reduced Insulin Action Results in



Reduce Obesity- Causing Gut Bacteria


Personalized Recommendations. Functional Assessments

Includes 2  (1/2 Hour) Health Consultations
6 Week Meal Plan
6 Weeks of Recipes       and much more!
Ongoing Sessions


